Library fees are put in place for replacement books and laptop charges. Paying these can be done online in two ways:
To pay through UR Library Search, log into your Library Account and select 'Fees'. You will see a list of charges and can pay with a valid credit or debit card. After payment is complete, you will receive a confirmation email and the fees will be automatically removed.
If your Library account has expired because you have finished studies with us, you might not be able to pay fees through your Library Account. Instead, you can make one-off payments through the Roehampton eStore. To pay, add the total amount you need to pay to the basket, and follow the steps to pay online. You may need to set up an eStore account if you haven't already done so. Library staff will be notified and will clear the charges within one working day.
If you are difficult financial circumstances, please contact us for assistance in the first instance.
The Library
University of Roehampton
Roehampton Lane
SW15 5SZ
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