Answered On Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024

How much of a book or journal can I have digitised for a module reading?

Under the University's CLA Higher Education Licence, we are permitted to digitise the following amounts per module:

  • 1 whole chapter from a book
  • 1 whole article from a magazine/journal issue
  • 1 whole scene from a play
  • 1 whole paper from a set of conference proceedings
  • 1 whole report of a single case from a volume of judicial proceedings
  • 1 short story, poem or play (not exceeding 10 pages in length) from an anthology

OR 10% of the total publication (whichever is greater).

If you place a digitisation request for an extract that exceeds the limits above, or the publisher is excluded from the CLA Higher Education Licence, the request will be rejected. 

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