UR Library Search (Library catalogue) allows you to search our collections of books and journals (both in print and online), audio and video items, articles, packs and more. You can access UR Library Search from the Library homepage and you have a choice between Search Everything, Books and eBooks, and eJournals Finder. If you select Search Everything, you can find ebooks, articles and other full text online content. Books and eBooks allows searches concentrating on print books and their electronic versions, while eJournals Finder lets you search by the title of a journal.
Our UR Library Search guide gives you more information about search options and features. The guide also includes videos on how to find books and eBooks and using filters to narrow your search.
The default option for searching the catalogue is basic search, but if you want to be more specific with your query, you can also use advanced search.
The Library
University of Roehampton
Roehampton Lane
SW15 5SZ
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